Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cagayan AR-beneficiaries learn to make wine

Bugnay wine produced by Sunrise Agrarian
Reform Community in Gattaran, Cagayan (North)
When it comes to fruit wine, most of us commonly think only of two kinds, that is, red grape wine or white grape wine. Unfortunately, there are a lot more where fruit wines come from other than grapes. Thus, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Department ofTrade and Industry (DTI) in Cagayan province have teamed up to bring fruit wine making technology to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) as a way of earing additional income by processing commonly abundant and available fruits in their localities into wines.
Scientific studies have shown that wines from fruits are rich in antioxidants because they contain lots of vitamin A, vitamin C and other minerals like calcium , iodine , zinc, manganese , selenium, potassium, etc. Fruit wines have shown to help: (1) Prevent heart disease because it contains phenolic compounds that have antioxidant properties. There are also substances in fruit wine that inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the blood which means unblocked arteries and veins; (2) Promote better sleep because of the presence of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and the human body clock. People with Insomnia may want to drink fruit wine to have better sleep; (3) Prevent Diabetes, due to the presence of Manganese which have been shown to stabilize blood sugar in the body. It also helps against free radical damage; (4) Control blood pressure because of its potassium and melatonin content, in addition to its fiber content which helps clean up the blood vessels by facilitating the removal of fat; (5) Inhibit cancer cells due to its antioxidant properties, that is, there are compounds that hinder the growth of cancer cells in the body; (6) Promote the formation of healthy gums, increase endurance, etc., due to its high vitamin C content. It is also believed that fruit wines have aphrodisiac properties. 
Under the fruit wine making project, the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs) in Cagayan province have agreed to process and produce fruit-based wines for sale to the public bearing one common label. This activity shall expand and increase the availability of fruit wines in the province, presently dominated by the Bugnay Wine from Sunrise Agrarian Reform Community (Sunrise ARC) in Gattaran, Cagayan. An Agrarian Reform Community (ARC) is a barangay at the minimum or a cluster of contiguous barangays where there is a critical mass of farmers and farm workers awaiting the full implementation of agrarian reform. The farmers and the farm workers will anchor the integrated development of the area.
However, Sunrise ARC is experiencing difficulties in meeting the demands for  fruit wine as it is hampered by limited productivity. It is expected the gap in the supply and demand chain can now be filled up by the other ARBOs producing a number of different kinds of fruit wines in the province. According to Virgilio M. Acasili, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer II of DARPO Cagayan-Batanes, the activity is expected to generate additional income for ARBs in the province and spur allied enterprises such as the expanded volume of fruits being traded in the province in addition to other industries which the project may add such as processing of other fruits into vinegar, dried or candied fruit business, etc.  /cds

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