Tuesday, October 8, 2013

MARO/OIC-CARPO Ador Malana celebrates 65th bday

After serving in government for forty years, two months and seven days, MARO Salvador Malana, as OIC of the DARPO-Cagayan Operations Division turned-over on August 27, 2013 the duties and responsibilities of the CARPO for Operations in favor of PARO Virgilio M. Acasili in the meantime, because a successor was not yet appointed at the time until the day of his 65th birthday.
His career in the government service started in 1973 as Farm Management Technologist with a monthly salary of Php367 and was first assigned in Kalinga-Apayao for five years. After five years, he was promoted to Senior Agrarian Reform Technologist and transferred to Cagayan province. After another five years, he was promoted to Team Leader in Solana, Cagayan in charge of 4-5 municipalities clustered into a team office.
There was a reorganization in the Department in 1987 and in 1988, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law was passed wherein he was designated as Chief of Operations for the whole Cagayan-Kalinga-Apayao-Batanes district office for a number of years, after which he settled to be a full time Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer up to the present.
Sometime in November 2012, he was offered by the Atty. Marjorie P. Ayson, DAR Region 02 Regional Director to lead and assume the position of CARPO for Operations in the DAR provincial office of Cagayan, but he declined and suggested that some younger MARO should be assigned as such.
However, a few weeks later, he was informed that a Special Order designating him as OIC-CARPO for Operations have been forwarded to DAR Central Office for confirmation by the Secretary of Agrarian Reform. Consequently, he efficiently and dutifully performed and discharged his responsibilities as CARPO for Operations for eight months prior to his retirement. 
During his stint as MARO, he was able to successfully implement the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) is the various municipalities where he was assigned. Significant accomplishments include some hundreds of hectares of agricultural lands covered by the agrarian reform program owned by big and powerful (and sometimes hostile) landowners in Cagayan province, particularly in Solana, Piat, Tuao, Amulung. etc., resulting to the gerenration, registration and distribution of ownership documents in favor of farmer-beneficiaries such as emancipation patents (EPs) and certificates of land ownership award (CLOAs). 
        MARO Salvador Malana is more popularly addressed as “Manung Ador” by his co-employees and is known for his brotherly care and affection among the DARPO and field personnel. Considered as a senior MARO among his peers and full of experience, he is often approached and consulted for advice on various issues related to agrarian reform matters. /cds

Distribution of CLOA Titles and CoCRoM in Isabela

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