Thursday, January 3, 2013

DAR Pips You Should Know: Jojo Juan, OIC-Head, PMEU

The PMEU, or the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, is  section in the DAR Provincial Office of Cagayan province that is tasked with Database Management, among other things. It is also tasked with monitoring, administration and maintenance of databases and database groups in the DAR Provincial Office.
A Database is an organized collection of data, usually in digital form today, which is systematically organized to model relevant aspects of reality such as, land acquisition and distribution, support services, legal services, etc.
Hence, the PMEU organizes information related to Land Tenure Improvement (land acquisition and distribution), databases pertaining to program beneficiaries development, the delivery of agrarian justice, and recently, the conduct of the Agrarian Reform Communities Level of Development Assessment (ALDA) and feed backing thereof.
The ALDA is conducted yearly by the Department of Agrarian Reform. This yearly activity is conducted to obtain information about the different aspects of development in the agrarian reform communities. It shows basic indicators at the community level and builds an index for each of the key result areas, providing an overall index for analysis. It measures the ARC’s development, hence, if the interventions among key result areas are implemented, it will show that rural development is feasible.
Additionally, it maintains the Field Operations (FO files) Database, the ARC  Monitoring and Tracking System (ARC-MTS), the EP-CLOA Information System (EPIS/CLOAIS), our Sectoral Reports, etc., a tough job for such a small office unit.
The PMEU is headed by Mr. ELVERITO A. JUAN, Computer Programmer II, who is the OIC-Head of the Unit. He is married to Rosalinda Valdepenas and gifted with two kids. He is joined in the PMEU by Engr. Albert “Jack” Paguirigan, Engineer II; Esther Quizzagan, Assistant Statistician; and Fritz Irigayen, Administrative Aide II.
They not only gather data, but also assist in the conduct of analyses from such data/information that support processes requiring accurate information. JOJO, as we call him is a silent type, hard working individual. Their outputs are actually a big help for DAR personnel in the field offices as it helps in a significant way in tracking the various landholdings for acquisition and distribution which graduates into the generation and registration of EP/CLOA titles in favor agrarian reform beneficiaries. /cds

Distribution of CLOA Titles and CoCRoM in Isabela

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